Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat?

Even though Malaysia does not celebrate Halloween, Malaysians have always been fascinated by ghost, spirits, paranormal activities, bomoh and horror stories. I am one of those. Happy Halloween, everybody!


Pingu Toha said...

anda pernah nampak hantu?

Al Hadi said...

Entah kenapa Halloween di Malaysia tidak di"Malaysia"kan. Hmmm.... menarik gak utk buat entri pasal ni

Naz said...

Halim: So far tak pernah lagi.... Eehehe...

Hadi: Aku pun terpikir sebijik macam ko... Boleh je Halloween diMalaysiakan... mesti best!

Pingu Toha said...

aku pernah meMALAYSIAkn halloween dgn mmakai kostium momok... ala, hantu yg pakai kain pelikat tu...

Anonymous said...

wuiyooooo pakai baju army. hantu pun lari ah! hahahahahahhha

nzard said...

i think Halloween is against Islamic teaching la....
The term Halloween is shortened from All Hallows' Even (both "even" and "eve" are abbreviations of "evening," but "Halloween" gets its "n" from "even") as it is the eve of "All Hallows' Day,"[6] which is now also known as All Saints' Day. It was a day of religious festivities in various northern European Pagan traditions,[7] until Popes Gregory III and Gregory IV moved the old Christian feast of All Saints' Day from May 13 (which had itself been the date of a pagan holiday, the Feast of the Lemures) to November 1. In the ninth century, the Church measured the day as starting at sunset, in accordance with the Florentine calendar. Although All Saints' Day is now considered to occur one day after Halloween, the two holidays were, at that time, celebrated on the same day. Liturgically, the Church traditionally celebrated that day as the Vigil of All Saints, and, until 1970, a day of fasting as well. Like other vigils, it was celebrated on the previous day if it fell on a Sunday, although secular celebrations of the holiday remained on the 31st. The Vigil was suppressed in 1955, but was later restored in the post-Vatican II calendar. [via Wikpedia]

jay jamil said...

susah jugak ada Halloween kat Malaysia ni.Tatau beza yang mana ori ngan berlakon hantu. Ahahahah

aku penah kena kejar dan dicakar oleh Cik Pon dan "Amoi" Jirat Pulau Tikus dalam bulan Ghost Festival di Penang, memang pengalaman ngeri lar.nak sambut halloween? huhuhuuh

Naz said...

Halim: Aku tgh try membayangkan ko sbgai momok.... wakaka... kelakar siot!

Mala: Hehe... tak terpikir plak pasal baju army tu...

Nzard: Halloween mmg la against islamic teaching, tapi dalam Islam kita tau jin dan makhluk halus ni mmg wujud... semua agama pun camtu gak sebenarnya. Jgn la kita sambut Halloween ikut kepercayaan agama Kristian, cukup la sekadar mengingati bahawa dunia ni bukan dihuni manusia semata-mata tapi oleh pelbagai makhluk lain ciptaan tuhan... dan kalau bleh kutip candies dari rumah ke rumah pun best jugak.. hehe

Min: Masa Ghost Festival jgn kluar rumah/hostel lebih drpd kul 11, ni nasihat sorang member Chinese aku masa study kat USM dulu.. Hehe!

Anonymous said...

aku rasa banyak je "hantu" berupa manusia kat dalam dunia nih. so what difference does it make anyway?

Anonymous said...

Halloween always fascinates me !Last year Dalia one of colleague banker showed her Halloween dress up costume. I wish its not against Islamic teaching. Sounds fun trick-o-treating pastu carving jack-O-Lantern kan? but then colleagues always say kalau ada Halloween party, aku mostly likely dress up as BONDAGE SLAVE...hehe..they know me well, eh? *wink*

nzard said...

siap la kalo shahrill jd bondage slave, ramai abg2 gay ratah dia...=P

Anonymous said...

hahhaha..jgn tak tau.. aku ada daya penarik baik kepada lelaki mahupun wanita. marilah sama2x kita bereksperimen mcm angie dengan pisau2xnya. Nzard, remember Angie's fling with Shimizu from Firefox? *wink*>?

Naz said...

Mala: Dunia skrg mmg camtu!

Nzard: Hehehe.. setuju ngan hang

Shahrill: Daya penarik kepada lelaki dan wanita? Aku teringat hang penah kata hang nak disandwichkan between .... dan ...... :p

Anonymous said...

amboi yg tu ingat ja..hurm, that statement caused an uproar..KC blown it UP. well..shits happens when u ve knife in My dungeon! ahahha

Pingu Toha said...

ni citer psal halauween ke bondage? shahrill ada potensi jd artis porno!

Naz said...

Errkk... aku mcm setuju je dgn Halim... Jgn mare ah, Rill... hehe ;)