Friday, October 17, 2008


My family and many of my friends say that i am a workaholic. My mother once said to me that life is not just about work, but it's about many. She forbids me to work too hard because she worries that it will affect my health and my life. I actually know that she wants me to focus more on my life, finding the right woman and marry her as soon as possible. I told her for over a thousand time that I am still bloody young and there are so many things that I want to achieve before getting married. And work is one of them. Yeah, maybe I have a good job now but it doesn't mean that it's settled and there are nothing left to think about. There are lot of things to be learned in my career. That is why I think I work too hard.

Yesterday, i was asked by my boss to solve several complicated issues. Couple of my colleagues told me that those issues have never been solved due to some hanky-panky things that have been going on. It was almost 6.30 pm and I was browsing through some files to find the history of those issues when my colleagues came to me and told me to go back home, take a rest and continue having a headache solving those issues the next day. But, I couldn't. I don't know why I had to force myself and wanted to get things done immediately. That's me I think, a workaholic who should really learn to relax...


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that guys also get that kind of nagging? well, u know, "bila nk kawin? dh ada calon ke? etc etc". Ingatkan pompuan je......


Naz said...

Hahaha... tension kan Norzat, bila diajukn soalan2 camtu

nzard said...

pls use my pseudoname la. xyah menglemerkan aku kt blog hg nih....aku kan pemalu....

marmalade said...

hey even when you ARE already married, the nagging continues - "when are you going to have a baby?" i mean seriously man, life is full of nagging. i wish people would mind their own bloody business and leave us alone!

Naz said...

Mel: Kakak i selalu kena tanya soalan pasal babies. Sian dia... dh lama dia dan suami nak anak, mcm2 cara dh cuba tapi masih takde rezeki.. Pastu semua org dok nagging... Tertekan dia..

papaYA said...

Life is full of nags...usually by people who always concern of us, dont u think? But there are peeps who sibuk nak jage tepi kain orang..These people, I cannot stand..
But nags by family members and close friends, I dont mind ;)

zyrin said...

it's okay to be a workaholic once in a while. especially considering where you work. but remember, you work to live, not live to work.

just don't overdo stuff. burnout is, unfortunately, common amongst our kind <--- chewah, 'kind'???

while you're young, work hard... play hard ;p

Nuisanc3 said...

naz, ko sebut raub aku tetiba teringat BBQ. Wahahhahahah!

Naz said...

Quntum: Hmmm.... sedih wooo bile teringat kejadian itu... Aku, Fad, Afifi ngan Lan merenung sayu je kayu-kayu berabu yang masih berasap tu...

Emmy Hermina Nathasia said...

agrees with you there!!